Peak Season

'Butter and Eggs'

The early daffodils are gone – no more bright yellow ‘Tete-a-Tetes’ or  sturdy ‘Little Beauties’. Mid-season ‘Thalias’ (pure white and musky) and miniature ‘Segovias’ are in full bloom and the old double ‘Butter and Eggs’ is opening. ‘Twin Sisters’, the last daffodil to bloom here in the hollow, hasn’t made her appearance yet, so we still have a few more weeks of daffodil season.

Koreanspice viburnums (V. carlesii ) are in bright pink bud. Although viburnums are supposed to be deer resistant, our little herd browses the one outside my window, nibbling the lower branches and sometimes the blossoms, each spring.

Koreanspice Viburnum


Virginia Bluebells


Virginia bluebells drift away under the autumn olives in the marshy area by the creek. The deer never bother them. Ostrich fern, also deer resistant, follows.




And the beech buds begin to swell.


Beech Watch Continues. Stay tuned.



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