Christmas Hollow

Got back to the hollow from NYC a week ago. We hopped the train right up ~ AmTrack out of Charlottesville ~  because we were drawn like a magnet to the “Companions in Solitude” exhibit at the Met that included a 12th century series of Chinese paintings called “The Garden of the Inept Administrator” which was meant to illustrate “a safe haven for the pursuit of spiritual cultivation alone or elegant conversation together.”

Sounds like the hollow to me.

Poet’s Laurel and Lenten Rose

Our little patch of Poet’s Laurel/Danaae racemosa continues to inhabit the  eastern corner by the chimney but does not seem to spread. It gets no special care. Makes a nice evergreen groundcover with the Lenten Rose/Helleborus orientalis. There are many modern hybrids of the Hellebore like the ubiquitous ‘Pine Knot Strain’, but this UVA seedling is quite vigorous and handsome. Both plants are of Asian origin and would make a nice combo with Pieris japonica. In the dead of winter one longs for green.

Seed-heads on High Line

Sycamores saw us up to the city and back. Such a lovely tree.


In the city, pollarded on the streets




and gracefully reaching for light in parks and courtyards.




In the hollow, framing the sky of home.



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